
Sunday, July 8, 2012

What is going to happen to the RH bill?

Social and political criticisms

Will the Congress be able to pass the RH bill into law? Will PNOY be able to sign this into a law.  Please take note that PHL is the only Catholic nation in Asia and the church leadership has drawn the support of its pastoral councils (its  brethren) that there is going to be war.

I think this must not be a non issue now.  People realize that marriage and bearing children has become an economic burden, many are not marrying or are marrying at much later stages.  Yes this may be true in urban area.  But in rural areas, in agricultural areas, having more children is very functional;  the many children will be the farm hands;  they can not afford to pay the labor under a subsistence farming method.

And take note, that PHL high population growth is saving the day for our country.  The labor force PHL supplied to the world brought in nearly l0% contribution to  the GDP ($20 billlion) almost a trillion pesos.  That must have fueled a lot of consumer spending and even some investments.  Without that labor force abroad (that resulted from a rapid population growth)

And besides Japan and Korea which has a greying population needs a lot of workers?

Who else but PHL can provide that labor requirement.  And maybe they are praying too that the RH bill will not get passed.  It is going to be bad for their economic future.

What do you think?