
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Double parking impedes the movement of fireghting and rescue vehicles

It is more fun criticizing

An acquaintance who is volunteer firefighter has complained of double parking in narrow street in a congested  neighborhood.  They were responding for assistance to quell the fire.

And or we motorists not giving way to firetrucks requesting immediate passage.   We race with them or block their ways

It is a sad plight that people concern for their own benefit has resulted in complications for the welfare of the we, the many.  Even the planning and building permits support this idea that we love chaos, out of our own volition and seek something better. 

Its time to have a sense of civic duty and do well in public works and housing (as supervised by LGU) and stop this rantings for difficulties that are of our own making

Ending ayuda and welfare dole outs as we emerge from pandemic - Diokno

It is more fun criticizing

DOF secretary Ben Diokno has wisely proposed that the ayuda so generously handed out during the pandemic be ended.  This can be seen as waste of resources.   No less that the chair of AdeMU school of economics has supported this idea.

Indeed there are so many freebies and ayudas that have been funded by borrowings.   And then we criticize the govt for doing so.   We relish on the ideas of controversy and conflict -  the Hegelian
endless conflict as way towards progress.  Chaos theory.  

And then the free rides.

Who shoulder the burden of paying this?   The hard working class and businessmen.

Tama na.  Trabaho muna tayo   

With hundreds of thousands of sacks of sugar in warehouses, is there really a shortage?

It is more fun criticizing

Thanks to the surgical fact finding by the OP we found out that there is a huge stockpile of sugar in various warehouses in the country.

What do you call this?  Isnt this hoarding?  Is this good?  Creating shortage amidst plenty.  The Universe wants us to have plenty.   God provides for all  Why are our fellowmen making things hard for the rest of the population.  They cant take this with them when they die

Do we call that hoarding, or that we are being fed with lies with regards to sugar supplies.   There must be some money being made in importation and hiding the true state of sugar supplies in the country.

It does not give a good name for businessmen who can be viewed as profiteers and feeding on the woes of others.  

It does not give justice to sugar planers and workers too

We can do better with regards to sugar supplies and prices

Friday, August 12, 2022

Syndicates running circles around the President

It is more fun criticizing

Some Usec made a big mistake of usurping the power of the Chief Executive to sign a resolution ordering massive importation of sugar despite claims of planters that harvest will be at the end of August, and that we have to have stability in food production (not to mention precious foreign exchange0  There is a persistent rumor that in most government departments, there are certain syndicates that are left unnoticed or untouched despite change of Presidency

And that for food importation, which damages most of our farmers, importation is teh easy way out and that permits are had for princely sums.   

We were glad that the grand scam was caught and that the future stocks of sugar miller and farmers are protected.    

Are we turning into a welfare state

It is more fun criticizing

There are simply too many laws being passed as "ayuda" subsidy, salary increases that one wonders how these can be funded.  The answer was made clear as Duterte left his tenure leaving behind twice the level of debt as when he came in.

This was the reason why Sri Lanka and Venenzuela ended in hyper inflation as in Venenzuela, and bankruptcy in the case of Sri Lanka.   And the ensuing political and social  undrest.

This post hopes the legislature and the economic team become circumspect in leading the country towards fiscal and economic stability

Monday, August 8, 2022

PNP reverses thrust on vs drug

It is more fun criticizing

The new PNP chief Azurin has mellowed the PNP approach on fighting illegal drugs.  No more war on drugs as is was under Duterte.  One wonders if this is in accordance with PBBM guiidance and  his pronouncement that he will continue war vs drugs by PDU30.  Has this anything to do with threat of
investigation by ICC

Producers can not keep prices of prime commodities high forever; it will contract the economy and their sales

It is more fun criticizing

Petron profits at P7.7 billion

We are complaining about high prices of prime commodities -  fuel, energy, food and others.  For most of them as in the case of an energy  company doubling its profits this can be done only briefly -  it is unsustainable

High prices will reduce the purchasing power of consumers (assuming  household income is constant) and recession may set in.   It is like shooting our foot.

So every one patience and businessmen, more discernment

Complaint vs rutted roads

It is more fun criticizing

It is being reported that many roads,, mostly asphalt roads are rutted.  Moonscape has again landed on earth,  The constant unabated rains has contributed to this.  There are many complaints

We can wait  for weather to be better so that repairs can be undertaken

A little patience is needed