
Thursday, July 28, 2022

New department being proposed in the midst of right sizing, government debt reduction

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Because of the major earthquake yesterday at Abra resulting in damages and loss of lives, proposals are all ready being made to have a department of disasters.  This mean a fatter bureaucracy, more personnel regional offices   While this would mean focus on disaster it will mean disaster for other government concerns:   budget, debt, taxation and more

As if disaster is an ordinary daily occurrence.

The post sees the current set up as adequate.  NDRRMO PDRRMO MDRRO are adequare and do not much mostly doing patient transport   Just incorporate disaster mindset into every department

      1.   Sturdier and more robust construction by DPWH of infrastructures
      2.    Amendment of  building code to make construction of private structures beefier and earthquake
     3.  Strict enforcement and regular inspection of structures
     4.  Conducting drills
     5.  Relocation of residents to less dangerous areas
     6.   Beefing up PAG -ASA.
The move could mean:   
    1.  More coordination with existing organizations
    2.   Duplication of resources:   own volcanology department,  standards  and building
           codes inspection department,

We do not need to reinvent the wheel.   And later on blame the govt for ballooning deficits and/or
more taxes

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

BRICS sets new reserve and payment currency

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Russia and the rest of BRICS (Brazil India China South Africa are set to name a new currency to end
dollar dominance in international finance:  reserve and payment system  Such a move can be detrimental
to the stability of the dollar as USA is experiencing:    high inflation, high govt budget deficit  high 
level of public debt ($30 trillion)  Its all ready printing more money - and for as long as money it is printing is being absorbed by the rest of world as payment for oil and other goods its value would remain stable as a thing of value of choice. 

When it is no longer used as reserve as payment currency, the dollar being printed will be piling up in USA and trigger hyperinflation as in Nigeria Sri Lanka, and Venenzuela

BRICS sees decline in importance of dollar in international finance. Others see this as a move in warfare by USA to end US dominance.

Others see USA initiating  war to end economic dominance of the countries being invaded or threat to the dollar.   

Taxing the digital world in the PHL

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House bill No 1745 amending amending Section 105 of the NIRC authoreddby Rep Joey Salceda

A tax expert was interviewed in the TV this morining  (PM) in Cambridge USA regarding taxing the players in the digital space.  All ready there is howling from the mini players doing their on on line selling at various digital plat form

1.  Who are to be taxed?   The soc media, the local players on line selling, their suppliers.
      Truly BIR sees this as revenue source because:    1.  There is marked shift especially from bricks and
      mortar firm to on line sellers:   big ones and resellers .  Bricks and mortars firms:    malls, restaurants
     small stores etc lost their business to on line digital sellers.       2.  The pandemic saw shifts to on llne
     modesl   1.   deliveries   2.   on line  banking -  payments and even investments    3.  deliveries
     4.  on line medical services and more

    And yet they are not taxed.  Most especially the big firms based in USA   They are taxed in USA, 
    get most of their revenues here, but do not pay any tax.  Like in the last election, billions were
    spent locally by the candidates, but they did not pay taxes here.  

    It is fair and just for the digital platforms

2.  We should separate frist time sellers or the SMEs and not group them with #1  Thus the books of accounts and regular reporting with BIR should be dispensed with and simple taxation should be
implemented.    One sector of the cabinet spouses growth of SMEs but a move to tax up and coming
business hould be discouraged

3.  In the past we have passed laws that were unique like taxing cosmetic surgery however none was
ever collected.  BIR may not have the resources nor the data to effect the collection.  Can BIR collect this new taxes

More criticisms on the PBBMjr SONA; more positive response needed

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VP Sara says that is VG;  many businessmen like this;  the progressive  groups who are wont to be anti all the time (following  their idol Hegel) says that it is NI (needs improvement):

1.   It is too broad and lacks details
2.   Some items like human rights and peace order are lacking
3.   Some items like the economic targets are not doable

This post agree with VP Sara and the businessmen

1.  We can only expect the SONA to be talking in broad strokes, to give the general direction, where are
      we going given the time constraint.   To go into the details will reduce into a cabinet meeting and will be boring

      As he said he has gathered the best in the country can bring and the managers are paid millions 
      annually and it is up to them to work out the details and the road map how to get there.  That is why
      the President has his cabinet with their huge staffing and budget

      We cant mistake the President to be like a mayor who deal with his constituents at the grassroot
       to attend to the basic needs. Neither is he the COO.  He has the executive secretary to manage

      The President is right in being aspirational.  - to bridge the gap between where we are and where
      we intend to go.

     All ready the country is the 35th richest country in the world in the ranks of Malaysia and Singapore
     We achieved $400 billion in GDP.   It would take Herculean effort to be in the level of Indonesia
     whose GDP is trillion all ready

     Our goal is reach GDP/capita of $6,000 from about $3,000 today   That means we have to
     1.  Increase our economic output -   more businesses and more hiring
     2.  Control increase in population
     3.   Beef up salaries of workers

     We could be more if the economic managers work very hard and with growth rates target that 
      are at par or higher than ASEAN

     All ready there are post SONA briefings to flesh out the directives of the President

2.   Peace and order and probably human rights (the agenda of the anti)  are to be handled by the
      security forces and CHR have to work on this.   

3.   The economic targets can be achieved if we believe in the President and buy in to his agenda

We cant achieve them if we all think we are Presidents and we have a better agenda.   We cant
reach our destination if there are too many dogs barking and there are too many obstacles like 
many detractors, many anti, and many more who think they can do better

We all should like the President see stream of sunlight peering through amidst the dark clouds
and with all the 110 million of our people and the best minds gathered (and their respective
bureacracy and believe we can do it.   There cant be a President unless we have enthusiastic

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Comments critiques on the first SONA of PBBM

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All ready criticisms or even jokes are being forwarded towards yesterday 

An indirect swipe noted was playing of songs:   ""Ïpaglalaban ko
"Promises promises"

1.  It is very long
2.  Some aspirational and far from reality
3.  Some are contradictory

We are happy though that we have visionary and aspirational leader. He is what we need  at the moment
Just imagine iff a boxer was elected a president or a former cabinet member or academician if he/she was
capable of drawing such a plan

With regards to contradictory contents, the cabinet and meetings would have to thresh out the contradictions

We thank the President and we blessed we have one today.   Let us support him

Monday, July 25, 2022

How to deal with food wastage in the Philippines

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In 2021, the nutrition Council of the Philippines determined that the daily food wastage stands at 1,700 metric tons a day enough to feed 3 million individuals. Thats a lot.  The factors that contribute to this are:smuggling, poor access to market, spillage, and lack of facilities

Most of wastage occurs in household

A total of 1.3 billions of tons of food are wasted annually. And yet 800 million people go hungry

What can be done to address this wastage:
1.  Storage and post harvest facilities;;   (mechanized.   Many inventions are available at CLSU in Munioz Nueva Ecija
2. Refrigeration and cold storage facilities
3.  Food preserves:  tomatoes, pickles, Kimchi, dillls canned or in bottles.  Farms in Europe
     do this.  I know a friend who has dragon fruit farm who ferments excess produce to be
    wine or vinegar. No fruit rots or is wasted.   Just thinking or being smart
Some civil societies buy excess food in bulk and distribute this to the needy.
Some students collect about to be thrown food from resto and give this to those who are starving
In the Philippines, 1,717 metric tons of food is wasted each day, the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology said. Likewise, the International Rice Research Institute said P23 million worth of rice is wasted daily, enough to feed 4.3 million individuals.Oct 22, 2021

Comprehensive all inclusive Sona by PBBM - the state of the nation is sound

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He ended the speech by saying the State of the Nation is Sound

The new President Sona which lasted for more than an hour had many interesting points:

1.   Economy - despite the shocks , the unfavorable exchange rate, high fuel costs, high inflation
      the President aspires for 6 to 8% growth  until end of his term, exchange rate of P51 to P53 
      inflation rate of 2 - 3%  Poverty rate to be reduced to 9%

     The debt problem can be addressed through better tax package, streamlining budgeting
      and govt bureaucracy right sizing

2.  Agriculture -   Improved technology and continuance of Agrarian Reform, condonation  to the tune
     of P60B the arrears in amortization and penalties of farmers.    Free land to retired military personnel
     and graduate of Agricultural schools without their own land

3.  Tourism -  promoting the Philippine brand and strengthening this sector by building infrastructures towards hitherto undiscovered tourist spot  Responsibility of DPWH and DOT

4/  Health -  a disease and vaccine center, more kidney heart and lung centers in the country, improvement of health care workers pay;   and more accessible health facilities in far flung areas.   (As promised in  TV ads

    No more lockdown

5.  Department of Migrant workers who will take care of OFWs,  processing of OFW woekers papers shall be reduced to 3 weeks instead of usual 3 months

6.   Energy

     Increasing the share of renewables over the total energy mix
     Review of EPIRA and the Grid Corporation on how the cost of power can be reduced
     Review of function of ERC on how cost of energy can be reduced
    Use of the nuclear power the modular type which are safer

7.   Dep Ed

     Face to Face classes
     Retraining the teachers
     Arming the students more digital tools
     Return of ROTC

     Investment in the education of children.   Quality materials for education

8.  DPWH continue the Build build build but more PPP sought

9. Transportation   the resumption of train projects in Mindanao Panay  and Cebu.  Train is 
   one of the most efficient and cheap form of transportation. 

10  National Land Use act

There is a list of 19 priority bills which the young Marcos wants to be passed in support of his SONA address

11.  Regarding the territory, (maybe WPS) PBBM maintains that that we will continue to pursue the independent  foreign policy   We wil not surender not even a square inch of territory

12.  Internet ng masa.   INternet connectivity through out the country

"We are friends to everyone, enemy to no one.  But we will be jealous of everything that concerns the Philippines

Less need for street parliamentarians

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The big ruckus about protesters insisting on their presence at Commonwealth was ended by the heavy rains  The post does not see the need to put their demands on posters placards and effigies.  There are all ready party lists that can address the concern to the Legislature

Lord knows best and laid to rest their efforts to create chaos and disorder.  God bless

Welfare mendicancy bad for government budget debt

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Most of those being interviewed prior to Sona sish more ayuda and help and yet we have fewer taxpayers, and govt debt has been ballooning.  That is bad for the civic duty we are all promoting:   " Ask what you can do  for the country not what the country can do for you. " Many of our citizens expect more ayuda, rather than being able to help ie to contribute to govt coffers

PBBM and PRRDU30 in cahoots with US imperialists?

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This post spied on placards of protesters which contained anti US imperialist connection of the past and present President.  This does not seem to reflect the realiity that:    PDU30 did not seek alliance with US and sought independent Philippine foreign policy

How could they be so wrong

We must indeed work on our people to correct our mindset:

1.  Stop being anti but instead work for unity and one purpose;
2.  Being  more self reliant rather than being mendicant and reliant on ayuda
3.  Thinking like a nation rather than being a town or barangay;
4.   Being professional and talking about merit and what is correct rather than who
5.  Being innovative rather than being traditional or thinking old
6.  Thinking of me vs we.   (Stop corruption for own sake but rather to think for common good)

Protests, march, etc maybe are paid activities to gain monetary gains, and part of an over all agenda to destabilize the govt (ie weaken the military and national govt) but do nothing to move the nation

Tight security for SONA a sing of paranoia

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The very tight security for SONA where large police force is to be deployed a no fly zone is drawing flak from critics:  that while there is supposed to be 31 million stamp of approval, the protagonist is not sure?

In the light of the University shooting in QC yesterday, one can not afford to be lax    All ready opposition lurks every where:   the rally at Commonwealth by the activists, the offended Martial Law victims (blood was shed)

A one one perceived injustice triggered a mayhem.   How much more where large macro events are involved between their family and a sector of the society.

We have to protect our head of state.  We deserve that kind of self respect

3 killed in a killing inside a university yesterday

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Everyone was shocked yesterday after a former Mayor Lapitan in Southern Philippines was killed by a town mate, a doctor, inside a well known elite QC.   Two others were killed:    the security aide of former mayor and  security guard.   The assailant a doctor from the mayors town was eventually caught This brings to mind several things:

1.  A tightened security may be imposed in schools especially during graduation;  The security in the said university could be lax.   This is the trend in US where there are many mass shootings in schools.

2.   A strict gun ban law or even a gun ban for SONA cant prevent a determined assassin or murderer from carrying out his evil deed
3  A security for former govt elected official is in order

4.  That the victim's family is part of  political dynasty in her city

5. That city hall wields so much power to persecute a private citizen;

6 That revenge while fruitless at the end of the day, is alive in most individuals who feel aggrieved
     that the only remedy is revenge

7.  This is speculative:   that it happened in the campus of an institution putting its finger in politics  and other frontline events, poses a danger to the institution actively fighting a the frontline.   The hideous
deed of the Dr. is condemnable though

8.  Our police/security force is functionaal and should be congratulated for quick apprehension of the 
alleged assailant

Losing the opportunity to make money on blogging?

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A vlogger was featured on TV last night who made a fortune vlogging.  YT pays more for hordes of subscribers and/or followers or views?  More power to her.

This post blogged and had a number of blogs but never made money.  It is not part of the personal goal to make money on making journal into a sort of diary

There are other worthy sources of income

Friday, July 22, 2022

We are losing farmers due to 4ps?

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In  a TV news program it was reported that many farmers have abandoned farming:   1.   because it is hard;  2.  farmers lose their investments and loans due to unscrupulous traders.   3.   It is better to wait for ayuda from 4ps

Elsewhere in the world many go to farming because it is profitable, they are on mechanized farming.  They produce food more than what the country needs.

Elsewhere the mindset is that of plenty rather than scarcity

The only alternative is more efficient corporate farming

Cleansing of 4ps list of recipients

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This  post congratulates Sec. Erwin Tulfo for cleansing the list 4ps beneficiary in addition to reminding office staff who do not answer the hot lines of the department.  This goes a long long way in making sure that the department becomes efficient and responsive to the citizenry.

This is a great balancing act when purging the list of recipeints.  What is the point when aid is needed by the "poorest of the poor"  or when is culture of mendicancy to be discouraged.

It was reported that many farmers have abandoned farming becausee of the ayuda.

Nothing in the world is free.  The ayuda either comes from taxes which we pay or from foreign debt (which we taxpayers eventually pay

It is not the duty of the state to provide for the needs of every one to survive.  It the responsibility of every one to earn for his keeps

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

QC city flooding probable causes and solutions

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A ty news described the floodng at  Quezon City last Saturday which seemed to be perennial 
and master plan has yet to be completed in 2023, with NDRRMC notwithstanding

The usual causes were mentioned:    clogged drainage due to solid waste improper disposal, 
residential areas in flood prone areas. (river banks which are clearly in violation even of SC Mandamus
of 2008 - largely ignored and disobeyed?)

Despite QC being a high ground, many areas are flood prone, what with many man made structure.  
As early as the 70s how water can rise rapidly in such low lying street like Mayon.   Water rose up to tire level in matter of 5 minutes.    There are catchment watershed areas which gather water fast.

We are sure that scientists and planners have data on waterflow at QC and can have computer  model to predict flood rise with the following data:   rainfall, rate of flow (as affected by clogged waterway affect
water rise.  

Thus infrastructures:   flood control infrastructures as impounding ponds (the idea is to slow down the flow) biological intervention (trees) can be set up;    stricter rules on garbage disposal especially along waterways.  (with severe penalties.  Note how a barangay captain threatened to have the residents eat the waste they dispose of improperly)

And the relocation.   Why has City Hall  allowed the construction of shelters along the waterways.  What happened to the SC mandamus.   Why are the LGUs afraid to relocate the illegal settlers?
They affect the IRA and their votes.   

We have to have backbones to minimize death and destruction from yearly floods It does seem we are serious about this.  We always want to expend the calamity fund.   A flood free environment would:   lessen the calamity fund utilization, and dependence of electorate on the politicians.  

Monday, July 18, 2022

An netizen hoodwinked the rest of us that a mall refused a folded polymer P1,000 bill

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Many were led to believe that such story was correct ie that folded P1,000 bills not accepted as legal
tender when it is folded   Reylen Lopez

The mall and BSP both belied such report.

Can higher interest BSP lending rates arrest inflation

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This post watched the interview at PTV with Managing Director Toni Lambino Managing Director  of BSP for strategic communication.  Topics discussed were the interest rate increased and the new polymer 1,000 peso bill.

Really will the rising prices be solved by the interest rate increase?  Well may be partially.  The interest rate increase will slow down the money supply growth and or siphon off exces liquidity in the system.  Well this will work to curb large ticket items purchases, cap ex, and speculation on foreign currency,   This will not do much about

   1.   Expensive petroleum products from the middle east of US supplier
   2.   Supply pressure due to high fuel costs, supply chain problems
   3.   Low productivity
   4.  High input costs for say agriculture products
   5.  Commuting costs.

It safe to say that the increase of interest rate MAY help arrest increase of prices.   

This is really a big problem for consumer confronted by high commuting cost, price of basic commodities
food and agri products.  

They say that petroleum products decreased in prices because of higher interest rate by US Fed.  It may work well for macro in US whose goal is to come up with financial products to soak up US dollars elsewhere floating in the world  If that was not to happy, US can become a center of hyper infflation

Monday, July 4, 2022

Rappler continues publication despite SEC order of closure; continues misreprsenting facts re order to close

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This post sees continued publication by Rappler despite closure order from SEC.   For all intents and purposes, they are no longer a legal entity and has ceased the power to do business in the Philippines.

It is not about repression of press freedom as those whose legal entity are ok,   There is no apparent veto nor censorship of news.  But its head continues to make such representation so that even former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has dipped her  hands into a controversy she does not fully understand because of misrepresentation 

The latest SEC decision said “the Commission finds that the Donation did not cure the violation by Rappler, Inc. and Rappler Holdings Corporation of Article XVI Section 11(1) of the Constitution and PD (Presidential Decree) No. 1018, and hereby AFFIRMS the administrative penalties imposed in the Decision dated 11 January 2018 declaring VOID the ON PDRs pursuant to Section 71.2 of the Securities Regulation Code and REVOKING the Certificates of Incorporation of Petitioners Rappler, Inc. and Rappler Holdings Corporation.”

The said entity was found to have violated the constitutional mandate that media organization  has to be owned 100% by Filipinos.  The said entity was found to have issued PDR for a foreign investment firm
clearly a violation of the constitutional provision.   An initial order was issued in 2018 and the recent order merely affirmed the initial order.   Media organization are supposed to be watchdog for compliance with laws.  An here it is

Its not about being a Nobel prize winner   The continued fake news make one wonder if at all Nobel Peace Prize is indeed a prestigious award.   

One wonders why such entities who make the country look bad continue to exist or insist to be in existence despite facts on the contrary.  

A ;more united front needed from BBM family, cracks being seen from Ate

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MT veto of economic zone law alarms Imee M

A more united front is needed to be observed from Dynasty in Senate and Executive.   All ready the veto of  Bulacan economic zone is getting flak from Ate Imee.

In that case Ate must support the Pres and show the world they are solid.   We find the decision of the younger bros to be sound and deserve correction for an amended bill.   

Among the Chinese the oldest male gets the plum position and property recognized