Twin problems:
There are two big problems that US is facing now. I learned form TV newsfeed last night:
l. The bankruptcy of the City of San Bernardino in California. It joins the ranks of cities that folded up due to rising costs and low revenues due to recession.
City Council declares the petition for bankruptcy
2. The declaration of natural state of emergency in 32 of 51 states in the US due to extreme drought. This will affect the food and the energy outlook in the USA. Corn is used in livestock and the shortage will affect livestock production, supply and demand, the price to the consumer. Corn is turned to alcohol, which is mixed with gasolline. Is this linked in to climate change and global warming?
How will the ordinary American cope up if most of them are jobless?
What are the solutions?
Will PHL migrant workers stick it out in the US or will just come home?