Rizal Philippines
January 26, 2016
How rubber sap is collected and processed into rubber sheets?
My cousin told me that Mindanao is indeed land of promise. He is servicing several palm oil mills, in war torn areas. The cash crops there are palm oil and rubber The demand for rubber is 500 container load a month in Thailand.
It is easy to earn as much as P150,000 net per hectare for rubber (almost same for hi yield rice SL8) However why are not so many people going into this? Because the lords: gang, war, political prevent people from getting ahead. Once people become wealthy, they become educated and they lose power over them. Hence, they will even kill entrepreneurs? Is that right mam sir.
So rubber farmers are armed with bushmasters and AK 47 or paid MNLF warriors when they go around.
Progress for Mindanao anyone?
Who will stop those who stop progress in Mindanao?
Whom do we call?