It is more fun criticizing
Rizal Philippines
October 1, 2018
More than half century after the event took place many experts are doubting whether the landing of the man by Neil Armstrong in the moon really took the place.
1. Questionable videos, photos.
Some experts question the waving of the flag and its drooping in what is supposed to be gravityless environment, the lack of starshine.
2. High temperature exosphere and dangerous radiation from Van Buren blet
Most compelling is the presence of the so called Van Buren belt which is pelted with very high temperature and radiation, and many doubt whether NASA was able to overcome this technical difficulty
PM - how NASA overcame the lethal Van Buren belt
3. Communications with the spacecraft at the far side of the moon.
11 space probes to Mars were lost as the space probes swung into the far side of Mars. Could be
the same thing with the spacecraft to the moon.
Ever wondered why we never ventured no more to landing on the moon again?
What about Ellon Musk the head of Tesla and his Spacex venture of having commercial flights to the moon? Can they overcome these dangerous difficulties