
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

With hundreds of thousands of sacks of sugar in warehouses, is there really a shortage?

It is more fun criticizing

Thanks to the surgical fact finding by the OP we found out that there is a huge stockpile of sugar in various warehouses in the country.

What do you call this?  Isnt this hoarding?  Is this good?  Creating shortage amidst plenty.  The Universe wants us to have plenty.   God provides for all  Why are our fellowmen making things hard for the rest of the population.  They cant take this with them when they die

Do we call that hoarding, or that we are being fed with lies with regards to sugar supplies.   There must be some money being made in importation and hiding the true state of sugar supplies in the country.

It does not give a good name for businessmen who can be viewed as profiteers and feeding on the woes of others.  

It does not give justice to sugar planers and workers too

We can do better with regards to sugar supplies and prices