
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Death squads will continue without the passage of Death Penalty, and Justice Reforms

It is more fun criticizing

Rizal Philippines
October 31, 2017

Image result for npa sparrow unit

Image result for npa sparrow unit

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When I was an activist, all that was taught us was ibagsak, ibagsak destroy the system that promotes injustice and corruption.

While many Presidents and Congress have come and gone nothing has improved in those two areas:   injustice (and slow wheels of justice) and corruption will continue to be around.

For injustice, NPA had kangaroo  courts and death/assassin squads to carry out quick justice and retribution.  While Congress continue to debate on the  merits of such penalty death squads will continue to mete our quick justice too under the legal govt to do away with expensive and slow justice system, sometimes with the real perpetrators going scott free.  Our current legal practice/system is long expensive and painstaking.   Lawyers and judges make.... and hay... While the oppressed suffer.   Without the death penalty, many will take law into their hands and employ hired assassins instead.  Quicker and cheaper.

As for corruption, even if we have cabinets headed by men with integrity and guts, if the system is really corrupt (well entrenched  with old employees and allowed by CS rules -   ie the law on security of tenure and due process), and if there is a perception that there is selective anti corruption drive (eg.  if the family is perceived to be engaged in corruption, or influence peddling) then nothing much will change.  It is still trapo with just another name and slogan