
Monday, April 20, 2020

Absence of Recovery Plan yet

It is more fun criticizing

Rizal Philippines
April 20, 2020

China to lift lockdown on Wuhan, ground zero of coronavirus ...

This post has yet to see the outline of what needs to be done and their timelines as we lift the lockdown:  what are the phases, order of restoration, continued assistance to displaced workers and business

Is it going to be a total lifting or selective, ie lift lockdown in areas where there are fewer number of cases and retain where the pandemic still persists?

At the same time, how is the health/pandemic problem to be handled.   The virus continues to be virulent in the bodies of recovered and asymptomatic  individuals.   So we expect reinfection and recurrence of pandemic.  What are the redflags for the reimposition of lockdown.

Is this the reason why Sec. Pernia resigned -  he and the rest of the cabinet members cant agree on lifting of lockdown? He wants malls to resume operations soon? What about the health issues?


Boris Johnson Cabinet split on Lifting of UK lockdown   Naturally the health department would want the threat removed completely before lifting of lockdown (but only possible when you have the vaccine)