Rizal Philippines
April 2, 2020
Two theories abound: one is that it is a natural occurrence, and the other it was man made and/or that a country engaged in bio warfare or terrorism caused its sprea
Covid 19 virus origin
The natural theory suggests that:
1. Corona virus is with humans all the while
2. That it could have come from bats and pangolins from Malaysia. But investigations of the genes
would not support that.
3. That it is a mutation from the SARS virus.
That it was spread by China
1. All ready a lawyer in US filed a class action suit for $20 trillion for causing mass destruction of lives nd wealth in the US
2. US investigators are filing charges vs. Chinese scholars at Harvard for alleged spying theft of US intellectual property which involve gnome sequencing
3. A Tier article suggested that a Bio Weapons Lab exists at Wuhan and it may have leaked accidentally
(Wuhan Institute of Virology is 10 miles away from the Wuhan marketplace where the ground zero)
from a Mosher Article as related by Maj Gen Chen Weil a virologist and bio weapons expert From Scientist - theory that it originated from a Virus Institute lacks evidence This third allegations is purely circumstantial.)
That it is US
1. US maintains bio weapons labs in various places involved in SARS, anthrax and other diseases research
At At Dugway (from Business Insider) and Fort Detrick Maryland (The CDC shut it down last March 20, 2020 on alleged handling of its wastes)
Who what do you believe agree with