
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

"First Yaya" - a TV series a pleasant escape from harsh reality

It is more fun criticizing

Rizal Philippines

It would seem corny for an elderly to watch a TV series but at 8:00 o clock with 3 channels showing the same show, you have no choice.

However I got glued to this series because it is a pleasant escape from reality.  The show, a fantasy series depicts the life and relationship of a youngish president (forced by the death of the Pres to become a President.  Not much is depicted regarding how he deals with the country.   This is in contrast to the current reality where the President is old, cantakerous etc.

The dialogues and scenes may seem trite but this merely heightens the intrigue and drama of the series.  

Maybe the large following of the show shows our current aspiration to have a young President who is less embroiled in politics.  It shows that the nation is very much concerned with the current presidency.  How we wish he would lead our country out of our problems, and get rid of the undesireables.   And be less concerned with vested interest and go for a sincere and honest administration, as the handsome and clear countenance of the show President show.  

Maybe in a year's time the actor for the series will be  Presidential timber?   That's how politics work, and GC maybe today is wooing as a character to win the hearts and minds of our troubled nation