
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Misinformation in videos, and in Q and A at the hallowed halls

It is more fun criticizing

This post notes:

1.  Some videos have different headlines and content.  Some are clickbaits
2.  Some questions being thrown at the hallowed grounds of the legislature reflect the ignorance of the one asking question.  They did not not know what they were talking about?   And they become students of the resource person, presenter.  It must be the fault of the video presentor author to make it appear, that indeed the one raising the question and that say Quimbo was wrong, and could not answer and is therefore hiding something.  

As in the case of the difference between the revenue source, and the budget?   What happened to the diference?  (That is the deficit spending and the Keynesian strategy regarding govt budgetting)

And about the question on funds of the govt, coming from the different revenue sources.  These are merely labels for the allocation. When govt funds enter into a pool, would you be able to identify the source.

Tsk tsk

This post stand by Cong Quimbo despite the brikbracks thrown at her..