
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Was the Agrarian Reform Program Successful?

This nation can be great again

Yesterday, the new DAR secretary was interviewed on the radio.  He entertained many questions that were texted by the listeners and he adroitly answered many of them, uncharacteristic of a technocrat;  more befitting a politician perhaps.

Some questions:

l.  Were the hectareage and number of beneficiaries KRA targets reached?

2.  Did the program emancipate the farmers ?  how many became legitimate landowners (the Land Bank loan fully paid for).  From the looks of it, many have not started their amortizations yet because the land that was land reformed has not been subdivided yet.  Many sold their CLT especially in Calabarzon sold out to developers.

Did the program help in the food security?

Did the program help increase food production?

Did the program help reduce incidence of poverty?  As we all know most of the farmers are in the poverty level?

Otherwise, the vaunted centerpiece of earlier administration would have been another case of political showmanship (circus?}  I hope not.  We wish our farmers the best.

The poor and the farmers name and their votes have been used many times to win elections?