
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why do we Have to Import Rice?

This nation can be great againi

From the looks of it we do not have to:

l.  Large tracts of land are available for planting.  Some say that there are about 8 million hectares arable land in the country.  Only l million hectares is planted.

2.  There is high yielding rice variety discovered under the auspices of a Chinese businessman that yields 300  cavans to a hectare.  His seeds however are exported to countries from where we buy rice. The prophet, is not recognized in his hometown

3.  Large areas in Mindanao and Visayas are available for rice planting.  They seldom experience typhoon there.

So why do we have to import rice:

l.  DA has to be more effective.  Large budget is allocated to rice production/productivity;

2.  It is more profitable to import rice for the rice traders?  the government buying agencies, and the political lords/businessmen in the province who control  rice.

Food security is an important issue we have to face sooner or later;  our population is growing;  Thailand rice now caost $600.00/metric ton compared to previous $400.00/metric ton.  China is not exporting.

So what do we do next.?