There is supposed to be a nationwide and a million protesters vs PDAF today. Former SC Chief Justice was heard to be a Quirino grandstand probably to point at fingers his tormentors, who were as culpable as he is committing acts that were clearly unconstitutional. While we may uphold high standards, the system perpetuate itself, and no end can be sight. The only hope may be a revolution. Thus says Thomas Jefferson, every generation needs a revolution. (As we as young protesters have often mouthed as if robots)
Some realities we must accept:
l. To the victor belongs the spoils (those who are in power must reap the spoils of victory) What are we in power for? Would anybody believe that we did not enjoy the perks of power while we were in power.
2. Make hay while we may. Can the officials still recover their costs if they are no longer in power?
3. It is a battle of commissioners. Those who battled the former officials are now the corrupt officials.
4. Power corrupts and it corrupts absolutely.
5. The politics of patronage. Our politicos need the PDAF, or earnings from this to keep themselves in power: from campaigning to keeping their constituents happy and well fed. Where to get all that money. I doubt, if not one of these protesters solicited/received any money from anyone of these officials whom they are protesting now. It is the way it works. How can some people, including from the religious sector be so hypocrites