Philippines | December 30, 2013
Sec Petilla sets resignation in motion
From Rappler - Sec Carlos Jericho Petilla will resign if there is no power in Leyte by Christmas.
Check - There is no power yet in Leyte from NGC
In our MBA class, I solicited comments regarding the plan of DOE sec to have Luzon and Visayas grid interconnected by December 8, 2013. Sec Petilla warned MM consumers of possible power shortage in Luzon grid, so they must save 100 mW to cover the Visayas demand.
The student who is nearly to be one of the Senior Manager of a local distribution company commented that the promise is in the unrealistic territory because there are about 500 transmission tower that were damaged. He doubts whether NGC has the capacity (financial) or capability to restore the fallen/damaged tower given the self imposed deadline by the Secretary.
So out of delicadeza the poor secretary must eat his hat, and swallow his pride, and keep his word out of delicadeza.
In our self mastery, we are warned to be careful of what we say because they soon become our destiny and they will haunt us. When our words come home to roost;
Maybe out of hubris, many people like the Emperor who wore no clothes are blinded by psychophants , fail to see reality and thus make bad decisions. Or had to make lofty statements for political reasons
So sorry sir. A promise is a promise