
Thursday, December 5, 2013

What? Solving their problem with another problem? How....?

From Newsmax

Democrat Polis' Solution: Legalize Immigrants to Fix Obamacare

From God father politics - Polis is rather bizarre

It does not seem to be a sound solution;  may be full of sound.  I used to have great admiration  for Dems and Americans.  Today, I doubt whether they still have that admiration. Take a look at the idea of Rep. Jared Polis, a Democrat on immigration law and Obamacare and their relevance to one another.

Polis wants to legalize illegals so that can be covered by Healthcare, so that the burden is not passed to taxpaying, with health insurance US citizens

One of the biggest problem of USA is burgeoning debt and federal expenses which does not seem to have any end in sight.  And now Polis wants to ad some more weight to sink their government?

Excerpt from the Newsmax article.

"The Times cited a Congressional Budget Office report showing the Senate immigration bill, offering legalization for current illegals and expanding legal immigration, could cost $82.3 billion in the next decade, increasing Obamacare subsidies for new legal immigrants.

Those who are in the country illegally would not be able to enter the Obamacare system for a decade after they obtain green cards under current law."

A Gang of 8 Senate measure was passed in Senate to legalize illegal immigrants but was stalled in US Congress