Rizal Philippines | April 28, 2014
Barren minds, not barren land
In the talkback program of ANC with Tina Monzon Palma, the guest from Mr GayoMFI talks about the problem in attaining food security is not the barren land, but barren minds of farmers. With only 5 years of schooling on the average, they are less likely to improve on their methods and adopt modern farm technologies. The resources are available: credit, seeds, fertilizer, irrigation. Yet our farm production, productivity has remained the same. Compare that with Israel that has barren land, sand/desert and yet grow plenty of vegetables which they export
Or even Batangas farmers who are rich because they plant 4 hectares of produce on 1 hectare of land?
GMO and food security
GMO, manufacturers of pesticide, are under attack from organic and other food activist. And yet at the other end of spectrum is the spectre of famine and starvation. The proponents of corporate farming and or GMO may be right in promoting their technology to avert food shortage.
Which side are you on? But we can help avert food shortage by backyard farming, or even farming on tin cans and PET bottles in urban areas.