
Monday, August 25, 2014

Africans, Africa, American Africans are always in the news

It is more fun criticizing

Rizal Philippines.  I  August 25, 2014

Who are in the news lately?  If you note they are mostly Africans:

1.  Pres Barack Obama, an American African featured frequently because of his seeming disconnect to the country's problem as well as that of the world:   ISIS beheading of an American journalist, the Iraq ISIS threat, the border problem, the Missouri Negro Uprising. UKraine.  Ebola, etc.He continued to play golf. while his country and the rest of the world were not on vacation

2.  Militia take over of the Tripoli Airport in Libya.

3. Famine in Somalia (involving about 2 million)

4. Ebola in West Africa.

5.  Ferguson riots (those who are protesting are blacks mostly African Americans.

6.  Egypt brokering of peace between Israel and Hamas