ISIS used to be Al Qaeda.
All About ISIS
We learn many interesting news about ISIS:
1. They are fighting Syrian army and decapitating Syrian army (friends of the best if they are anti Pres Assad)
2. Anti Iraq govt; it practically brought down the Iraqi govt to its knees and had to ask US intervention;
3. Was rumored to be about to slaughter Christians in Iraq;
4. Is a threat to USA;
5. They are getting better in their fighting methods in the battlefield (better training and better equipped)
6. They are growing in number. They have a number of Western Jihadist and have female comfort women. Some have been rumored to have been recruited from Davao City.
7. They are using recruitment videos, the internet and social media to recruit jihadists from all Moslem worldwide.
They are probably giving such a great religion a bad name. They are banned in Indonesia.
The problem about ISIS is being blamed at WH for no allowing ground troops to remain in Iraq.
Execution of Iraqi police and soldiers
ISIS is based in Syria and has gone to Iraq