It is more fun criticizing
This post has been a witness to a number of acts/decisions by local govts which may be considered at times bizarre.
1. An LGU banned a particular group of athletes because one posed with a picture of his butts out.
This post wonders what action it has to do with health, security, and fight vs covid 19. Incidentally
their mayor got the disease.
2. Another local exec prescribed the tricycle route so they allege, that the spread of the disease may be
easier to track. The local lady exec got the infection.
3. For contract tracing we sign logbooks and pieces of paper with our names and telephone number
It has been found out that pranksters have listed spiderman as their name and the telephone number
to be spurious. There are apps and other electronic means using android for contract tracing. Why
are we not using that.
4. Fences, road blocks, logs Meralco post laid on the street which are supposed to block the march of
covid 19.
5. Why are APCs and 50 Cal machine guns being paraded in areas where there is covid19 So that
covid 19 virus can be shot.
And yet we are battling Indonesia who can be the highest in Covid19 cases. Why o why?
I thought we have distinguished scienists and epdimiologists, the best of minds and well paid
(Usec being paid P3+ million a year