
Thursday, June 17, 2021

A de facto martial law in existence?

It is more fun criticizing

Rizal Philippines

I met a neighbor this morning and asked me whether I realize that we are living in a virtual martial law environment;  I said yes.

The pandemic was an opportunity for those in power to flex their power and authority

1.  The police a civilian authority is dressed constantly in military outfit - Battle Dress Attire  in fatigue
      Are we in war or is this marial law;

2.  Some measures being imposed by the police authority are severe and cruel;   as if the people are the enemy and not the virus;

3.  Some measures vary and capricious in implementation

4.  The unchecked exercise of power has resulted in rise of govt debt by 3 million since 2020, and 300 billion for three months into 2021;  this much spent in early campaign at barangay level ++++

5.  With regards to election, it seems that they have it all sewed to the dynasty:   even the close allies are out of the game.