
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

From Askmen - World's Most Unethical Corporation

Social and political criticisms

From AskMen

The article is based on the hypothesis that corporations are predicated on profit alone.  For them, the article asserts, it brute capitalism knocking competition off.  However some companies go beyond ethics and what is proper with ten commandments:  Thou shall not kill or alter what is natural.

Some of the worse corporations are:

1.  Cuadrilla Resources.  It has caused artificial earthquakes.  It is engaged in hydraulic fracking to extract more oil from shale oil fields;

2.  Monsanto - artificial selection

3.  Nestle -  artificial nutrition (breast feeding vs. commercial milk infant formula)

4.  ACT -  involved in cloning

Read more on Ask men unethical corporations

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What do you think of the four corporations mentioned?

Do you know of other corporations engaged in unehical activities?