
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pres Duterte explains once again his statement that he is severing ties with US

It is more fun criticizing

Rizal Philippines
October 22, 2016

Pres Duterte Announces Military Economic Ties with US

For the nth time somebody is interpreting/paraphrasing the statement pf Pres DU30 made at a meeting in Beijing this week re"severing ties military and economic ties with US"  Several major dailies carried the same story, so with the videos This post was shocked and was careful enough to note what the the good President said..  This sent shock waves to the BPO industry with over 1 million employees employed and with revenues of $20 billion, almost equal to OFW remittance.

The US State department was concerned;   China Foreign Minister took the statement lightly (She knew what DU30 meant - probably joking or engaging in a balimbing talk.

He said it is not severance of ties  (but only a  separation of policy

Eh ano ba Mr President?  Sinabi mo SEVERANCE.  Make up Mr. President.  Say exactly what you mean.   Let us not confuse every one or be engaged in double talk.  It is not good for a President to engage in that kind of talk;  it weakens his leadership and stature and probably the support of 16 million voters has waned

With due respect, please say what you mean and mean what you say.  No double talk, no need for interpreters   You are our Preisdent.  We want you to succeed and lead us into your great promises.  Please do not confuse your nation