
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Is there such thing as absolute freedom?

It is more fun criticizing

Notwithstanding the assertion by philosopher Jean Paul Sarte on absolute freedom, this post believes and agrees with some some thoughts of others.

Freedom is not a being; it is the being of man-i.e. his nothingness of being. If we start by conceiving of man as a plenum, it is absurd to try and find in him afterwards moments or psychic regions in which he would be free. As weil look for emptiness in a container which one has filled beforehand up to the brim! Man can not be sometimes slave and sometimes free; he is wholly and forever free or he is not free at ail. Jean-Paul SARTRE.!

I have encountered several cases where men have wanted to be absolutely free:

    1.   Defiance of many citizens in USA to observe health protocols, and object to vaccine
    2.   Several lot buyers objecting to restrictions for construction on the plot, claiming that their
          ownership is absolute.

Nothing can be farther from the truth

We have the freedom to make  choice in life.  God gave us that right

But our actions are limited by the environment, the govt around us, the legalities.  As we have freedom, this involves the recognition have the same freedom and rights as we do.  

No matter how liberal a country is, there is no such thing as absolute freedom,” Projek MMO chief editor Fathi Aris Omar told the audience at the “Merdekakah Media Kita (Is Our Media Independent?)” dialogue.

He said everyone must realise that no one in the world can seek and ask for absolute freedom as those that ask for it do not understand the true meaning of freedom.

“There is a limit, there is the ethics of journalism and the fair play of the laws in the media system.

“Everyone does not have the right to say and write about false news, or incite hatred on others,” he said, explaining that the laws are there to protect freedom and not to suppress the people.

Fathi also asked what activists seek to achieve with the freedom that they are given

“We need to know what is the minimum which we want to ensure that we have in that space that is given to us,” he said.

Fathi also said that it is a problem if the Opposition does not like the current situation of media freedom in the country but can demonstrate outside Sungai Buloh Prison for a political figure.

“Idealising a political figure more than idealising a principled struggle as claimed by the Opposition is not right,” he said.

He said this situation requires deep reflection by all parties.

“Freedom of the media is the responsibility of all, not just media activists or non-governmental organisations.

“(But) Malaysians have a ‘don’t care’ attitude, and this is not just happening in Malaysia but also in the West,” he said.