
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Early campaigning mudslinging - do they comply with community standards. ?

It is more fun criticizing

                                                      Uncalled for; early anti campaigning

After several of my pages were taken down on alleged violation of community standards, this post has been keenly aware of what is allowed and not allowed to be posted.

However some virulent posts attacking candidates have been appearing and this post wonders if the  watchmen of the platform are going to take down the posts.   Maybe they can campaign for their candidates but to attack the personality of certain candidates without conviction from the courts is out of line and goes beyond ethics of publication and may be even a crime/illegal

About this division of people due to politics or our own candidates,-  this is temporary.  After the election we go back to normal lives.   Our lives will not be altered by whoever wins the election.  It will remain the same if we do not change our attitudes, mindset and the way we behave.  Many nations have progressed inspite of the so "called leaders"  We carve our own destiny, not the so "called leaders" These prophets can be of doom and as Joker Arroyo has put it, it simply a battle among"\ Commissioners"  Kasi to the victor
belongs the spoils

The virus will control the outcome of our health problems; not the new leaders.  So let us save our anger and energy hitting hurting our friends and relatives about the election.