
Friday, December 6, 2024

Robbery at plain sight in US airports

It is more fun criticizing

DEA agents and policemen were alleged to be perpetrating  this modus.  They make unnaounced searches of carry on not at fixed station, but at boarding gates or at the tube., find out if youu have cash and leggally or illegally confiscate the cash that you are carrying (There are no limits to the amount of cash you can carry on domestic flight.  )  Billions were reported to hae been confiscated.   Triggerts were last minute ticket purchase and commissions to tipsters were paid.

Its either you surrender the cash, no case, or there is a case and warrant will be secured.    

I did not not know that such modus can happen in the land of the free (DEA and Homeland Security can conduct the search)

Americans should be glad that this practice has been stopped by DOJ