There was this news/video of Ukraine Pres Zelensky vs US Pres Donald Trump + VP J.D Vance in shouting match over the strategic metals deal (which others say is non existent). Trump claims Pres Z is disrespectful of American people and many see Ukraine is ungrateful on past US aid to Ukraine in fighting the war.
The ranting of Zelensky at White House is viewed as disrespectful of the US President, and thus Pres Z was shooed away from the meeting.
There were plenty of troubles in the past:
1. Allegations of moeny laundering of US aid;
2. Zelensky when asked about $300 billion in US aid, he said I dont know which is irresponsible and unstatesman like. And show how untrustworthy leader he is; and irresponsible.
Truly the behavior of Pres Z at the WH is less than respectable.
If US no longer supports Ukraine, then there will be no more funds to finance the war, and it would stop. And bad blood between US and USSR will cease. This is not US + Ukraine vs USSR war. It is a war between Ukraine and USSR.
Nations must be ready to fight their own war, and must be realistic, that nations will mind their own people fist before others and alliances at best are only good in paper.
Trump must be admired in his efforts to end the war; the killing of soldiers on both sidesweekly is deplorable and must be stopped
Nations must stop fuelling war; Peace not war.