
Friday, January 11, 2013

Atimonan Quezon deadly checkpoint incident raises many questions?

Social and political criticisms

January 11, 2013.  Manila Philippines.  The deadly check point "encounter" shoot out raises many questions:

l.  Why were not the rules of engagement not followed?  How can the police leadership exercise more control?

2.  Is this really a battle for jueteng turf?  If so, how shameful for the police leadership fighting with their lives for the "barya", and how lowly can they get?

3.  There are allegations that the slain Mimaropa senior police officer was on a gold buying and selling mission, and that the bag containing the gold allegedly bought at CamSur was missing?

???? and more????

4.  Why 200 bullet holes in the vehicles  that were shot?  How ferocious can you get vs vehicles that did not stop at the check point?

5.  Will this incident happen again now that gun ban is in effect?  How can we be sure.

Fair warning to fellow motorists -  do not travel at night and pass through checkpoints in secluded area.  You may add to the 13 statistics.