
Thursday, January 10, 2013

JPEs cash gift of P1.6 million to fellow senators from savings?

Social and political criticisms

An interaksyon article

It was reported that JPE gave PHP 1.6 million cash gift to the senators.  Some allege that is to ward off a coup detat. Let us look into this.

l.  Is it the personal money of JPE?  If so where did he get it?

2.  If it is govt funds, why was it called "cash gift"?  Is it ok to give gifts using public funds?
Do they, does JPE own the govt funds?

3.  If it govt funds, were proper administrative procedures followed?

        Sen MDS, the arch enemy of JPE returned her cash gift to JPE (JPE returned MDS biscuit gift) urges audit of the savings of solons.  The question is that is it possible?  Will COA audit JPE.  Ang takot na lang nila.!

        At the end  of the day, it is the integrity of the public official that matters.  Do they have integrity?

Sen. Myriam urges audit of savings of solons, the grandma of all scams