Sen Joker Arroyo aptly said in several controversies/hearings that many of the the scandals being investigated at the Senate was a battle of commissioners those who did not get the commissions vs those who got, as was with ZTE. Those who did not get would naturally feel slighted and complain. As those who did not get from JPE last Christmas (was it Trillanes who did not get)
Those who did not get the P50 million from DAP for the Corona impeachment are also complaining. They did not get their share of the spoils. (To the victor belongs the spoils)
And now for the PDAF, if everybody had their 50% commission, would there be this hearing? Only the solons now.
They may change the name of PDAF to something else. It will still pork by any other name. PNOY, the mastermind of Tuwid Na Daan and who wants to have the pork removed is not giving up the pork for his office any time soon.
So can we just call, affix the name of commissioners to every public officials: whether they be judge, senators, mayors, Generals, governors, congressman, senators.
Would it be nice to address: The Honorable Commissioner Senator ____; The Honorable Commissioner Representative of ____________;
or His Excellency Commissioner.....
Why should the such titles be just the domain of BOC head, or BIR or other govt agencies? Our government must be egalitarian
I think that would be nice and realistic. No hidden agendas; no hypocrisies.
"Ang bato bato sa langit, ang tamaay huwag magagalit>"