
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

BRICS fail to dedollarize world currency despite initial plans

It is more fun criticizing

The dollar has continued to be the world's reserve currency.  A robust economy healthy job creation  high interest rate, all contributed to robust Dollar.   The currency of BRICS were beaten by the Dollar.

BRICS is composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, and United Arab Emirates.

China Rembi is seen as a risky currency due to geopolitical risk associated  with news about Taiwan invasion.

The U.S. dollar remains the world's primary reserve currency, and neither the euro nor the so-called BRICS countries have been able to reduce global reliance on the dollar, a new study by the Atlantic Council's GeoEconomics Center shows.

There are efforts to use a diiferent currency but is still in nascent stage and has not gained traction