
Friday, July 12, 2024

President Biden's bad performance in US Presidential debate and gaffes - are they good for USA and reelection

It is more fun criticizing

Pres Biden was highly criticized for his very poor performance in US Presidential Debate with former Pres. D. Trump -  sometimes hesitating, blundering, incoherent.   Signs of dementia; cognitive decline

Elsewhere he did not do well in radio interview -  mixing up his thoughts regarding working with black Pres, and black woman VP.    The gaffes are sometimes pitiful.

There have been clamor for him to stop his reelection bid from his own party and have him replaced by the VP

Are this gaffes and signs of old age minor, or is it bad for his campaign and his stature as Pres of USA, to the rest of the world who look up to USA.?