
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Being an RM awardee/hero, could be done by anyone

Social and political criticisms

The RM awardee on agriculture who helped double the productivity of farmers by employing technology should inspire everyone to adapt new methods of farming.

The seeds, fertilizer, and technology are available.

A seeds company (it was strama paper) in GSC sells corn seeds that ups yield of corn farms from 4tons@hectare to l6 tons;  Henry Lim, sells seeds that yields 300 cavans@hectare vs 100 cavans from existing IRRI rice strain. The SL - 8

Why are they not being used?

l.  Lack of access/knowledge by farmers;

2.  The usual thing -  lack of credit

3.  And then the closed mind.  Change is a painful process to implement.  Resistance.
We have done this way ever since.  Those were the days my friend.

But no one, or very few remember the farmers;  their names are used for scams and graft and corruption.  Let us lift them up like Mr. Davide, the RM awardee who helped farmers.