
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Never again martial law? Or is it dictatorship?

Social and political criticisms

I really do not know what people meant by this never again martial law as the 40th anniversary of martial law was recalled.   Is it martial rule or dictatorship?

We may have eliminated FM as a dictator but in his place bloomed a thousand other dictators:   political dynasties, tyrant technocrats, even at  the barangay level.  And the public at large is helpless to stop it...

There were just two corrupt person then;  now there may be tens of thousands politicians and public officials.

What did we really achieve?  A change of tyrants/dictators?

History repeats itself;  the French elite ruling class were replaced by working class tyrants.

With the change of tyrants, as Michael Reagan is paraphrased, are we better of?