
Sunday, September 30, 2012

What an American has to say about gay marriage?

Social and political criticisms

I met an American expat in a West Visayan city last week and he has mouthful to say about the gay marriage in his home country:

l.  There could be no marriage;  only a union;  it is not allowed  in the Bible;

2.  It is highly immoral; the purpose of marriage is to procreate children;  does gay union produce offspring?

3.  The most unstable relationship is that of gays;  about 95% of unions of gays end up in separation;

4.  What gives gays the right to say that a thing is right to do if they have unions with 10 to l5 different partners in a day.

5.  What value will the gay union give to the adopted children if the child catch them doing their gay thing?

What do you think of this comment of an American vs  practices in his home country?

Is he correct?   Is Pres Obama right in allowing gay marriage?  Or is it simply to get the gay vote?