
Thursday, March 14, 2013

First Jesuit 76 Year Old from Argentina Elected New Pope just 2 days after Start of Conclave

Social and political criticisms

From BBC News March 14, 2013 

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a 76 old Argentinian was elected new Pope Francis in just 2 days after start of conclave.  People hoped that the new Pope would be younger or an American (from USA?)  well he is an American.  He is the first Jesuit to be elected Pope.

It was remarked as the fastest ever election of a Pope.  There was time when it took the Pope 2 years to elect the Pope in a conclave. (The election Pope Gregory from November 1268 to September 1, 1271 after death of Pope Clement 1V). 

This was due to political infighting of the cardinals.  3 of the 21 cardinals who elected the Pope died in the process and 1 resigned.  To hasten the election, the roof of Palace of Viterbo was reported to have been removed and rations reduced to water and bread.

He is the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

He requested the crowd to pray for him so that he will be blessed as the new Pope.  The new pope comes from Latin America, home to more than 40% of the world's Catholics.  70% of the 115 Cardinals in attendance to the conclave. He was elected in the 5th balloting

There was no clear choice as to who would be Pope two days ago.  He is seen as doctrinal conservative but is seen as potent force in reforming the Vatican.

Lignet remarks that the conservatism of the new Pope would counter growing leftism in Latin America.

The new Pope's name came from St. Francis  de Asissi who is humble and loves animals. He is son of middle income immigrant from Italy.

He came close to being elected as the Pope in 2005 when Pope Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger) was elected.

The new Pope, very well known for humility was reported  to take bus in going to work