
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kiram's Royal Security Force shiftss to guerilla warfare

Social and political criticisms

 From Philstar by Mike Frialde | March 6, 2013

As the Malaysian forces unleashed its forces vs. Sultan Kiram III followers in Sabah, the leader said that the Royal Force of the sultan would go mobile (go on guerilla warfare) and stand to the last man rather than surrender.  They said that all they could to in the face of the superior Malaysian firepower - bombs, etc was to pray to Allah to protect its people.

Raja Mudda, (Agbimuddin)  - the prince heir apparent, could not be located. Spokesman Abraham Idirajani had been informed taht the prince has survived the Malaysian onslaught, putting to rest the Malaysian propaganda that he had been neutralized.  He had left the place before the Malaysian attack.

What would happen to this conflict?  Will the conflict  spread?

 We are aware of the superiority of the Muslim in guerilla warfare

Will Malaysia win?

Will PHL pursue Sabah claim or will rescind the Sabah law?