
Monday, March 11, 2013

Sabah incident leaves 60 dead

Social and political criticisms

From Rappler | March 7, 2013 

The current Sabah crisis has so far left 60 people dead:  52 militants and 8 Malaysian police.  Sultan (foreign newspapers has said he is self proclaimed Sultan) Kiram III declared unilateral ceasefire which KL has rejected.

Prime Minister Najib Razak told Pres. Aquino, the militants must lay their arms immediately.

UN Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon urged peaceful solution to the crisis.

We can hope that this could happen.  I wonder how Muslims fight one another.  Before it was Muslims vs Christians in  Mindanao and Malaysia brokered the peace process...

I wonder how they will broker a peaceful solution to this stand off;  it was easy to interfere in the Phil problem with the Muslims before.  Let us see how they handle this.  So far they have employed  force and armed forces