October 29, 2013
Pres Jose Mujica interview at Al Jazeera
I watched the interview of President Jose Mujica last night at Al Jazeera. And he is an admireable and outstanding man and leader. He is more than a leader - as the hostess said, he is a philosopher. By all means, he is described to be outstanding.
He is described as the world's poorest President. He says that he has more than enough. Those are poor are those who want too much. He gives 90% of his salary to charities, like housing for the unwed mothers.
He surprised the whole world by having his country legalise marijuana (in some parts of USA, in some states, sale of marijuana is legal. It considered a cure for many diseases) He says he did it because other strategies do not work.
He used to be a member of Tupamoro in 1960s which later created the MLN (Movimiento Liberacion Nacional) which did a Robin Hood style of armed propaganda. He was a man of few words and disliked explosives and other inhumane war tactics. Tupamoro was the first insurgent organization that fought fellow men rather than foreigners.
Other observations:
1. He is not against consumption per se but the waste that goes with it. Why have four cars to sit out the traffic, when the rest of the country can not survive;
2. USA, and USA is not alone, is a policeman to the rest of the world and that has led the country in many trouble by having too many enemies.
3. USA will be conquered by the rest of America through the wombs of the women of Latin America, albeit slowly
4. If we live and consume like the rest of Americans, we will need three planet earth to provide for everyone
5. When he retires as a President (and it will in one year) he will return to agriculture, and even convert his farm into an agri school
6. You must live like the rest of the world, not like a king.
7. He respects the current Pope because of the language and the Christian tradition and his heart goes for the Pope because of the humility and honesty of the Pope Francis who hails from South America. He says that the Catholic church is the last of the court yard of the Medieval tradition
8. He calls himself a republican that of being equal to the others and no one is above the rest (hence the deep sense of humility)
He disdains luxury and still drives this old VW