
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Safety advice for reopening

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From WSJ - safety advice for reopening after lockdown

Its really a balance between reopening the economy and saving lives.  Shall people die from Covid19 or from hunger and famine.

Countries are in a hurry to open economy despite the risk of 2nd wave or resurgence.   This despite having high number of cases in US (Singapore, Philippine)

Japan successfully battled covid 19 without forced lockdown but by convincing citizens to avoid 3c:

       1.  Close personal contact
       2.  Crowds
       3.  Closed spaces

where droplets in plumes or aerosols and infect individuals with minimum  infection dose.

1.   Going back to work -   test individuals, social distancing,  wearing face mask avoiding the plumes at CR

2.   Commuting  -  social distancing, wearing of face masks,

3.   Supermarkets -  have the products delivered instead. 

3.   Restaurants -  judicious social distancing, hand sanitizing.

Viruses on surfaces and clothes

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Using a Laundromat or Shared Laundry Room? Here's How to Protect ...

COVID-19 – Cleaning vs. Disinfecting - Center for Research on ...

From medical news - how to disinfect your clothes

Studies suggest that corona virus can stay stable on smooth surfaces like glass, metal and other smooth materials where they can remain virulent up to 7 days.    It  is unknown for clothes.

There is a difference between cleaning and disinfecting

It was suggested that clothes be washed at high temperature (the highest available in your washing machine)  the utensils being used to be disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (bleach) dry the clothes at once, and fold them at home (if you wash your clothes in public washing machine center)..

Busting myths about corona virus (Covid 19)

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From Mayo Clinic - Busting myths on Covid19

From Medical News Today - Myths on Covid 19

Myth busters

                               The thermal scanners at airports, malls and checkpoints were useless and
                                waste of time and efforts

These are the facts that count and are real in preventing spread of corona virus

  • Avoid large events and mass gatherings.
  • Avoid close contact (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) with anyone who is sick or has symptoms.
  • Stay home as much as possible and keep distance between yourself and others (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) if COVID-19 is spreading in your community, especially if you have a higher risk of serious illness. Keep in mind some people may have COVID-19 and spread it to others, even if they don't have symptoms or don't know they have COVID-19.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover your face with a cloth face covering in public spaces, such as the grocery store, where it's difficult to avoid close contact with others, especially if you're in an area with ongoing community spread. Only use nonmedical cloth masks — surgical masks and N95 respirators should be reserved for health care providers.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw away the used tissue and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and other household items if you're sick.
  • Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily.
  • Stay home from work, school and public areas if you're sick, unless you're going to get medical care. Avoid taking public transportation if you're sick.
  • Before traveling, check the CDC and WHO websites to look for health advisories that may be in place.
Some of the myths:

1.  Drinking alcohol will kill the virus
2.  So does taking garlic or zinc.
3.  Disinfecting with bleach or chlorine
4.  High or cold temperature
5.   That vaccine is available
6.   That asymptomatic patients can not infect others.
7.  That misting or disinfecting people as they enter certain places can prevent spread 
      of disease.

Coronavirus is spread by drop infection and transmission is possible only:

     1.  In crowded spaces
     2.   Close personal contact
     3.   Closed public spaces.

and prolonged periods of time wherein the minimum infectious dose are inhaled by the probable victims

 Superspreader occured in;

     1.  Festivals
     2.  Religious events even choir practices
     3.  Parties fueled by alcohol  (the govt was right in imposing alcohol ban.  I am not sure whether the lifting contributes to the high number of cases lately

Nothing in the world is free even unrestricted posting in social media

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A fan page has been unpublished 3 times, and I experienced the 3rd time.  Its about a sports page. The reason for unpublishing is that it has not followed the community standards.  It is not clear however what the violations are.  As far as this post is concerned, the posts is about promotion of particular sports and what are contained are reposts and original content on the sports.

The post does not mind though.  It means less work and less tension on thinking of what to post.

This post is sure that with the tens of thousands who view the page, a lot of business has been delivered to the social media.   We are unpaid workers of the company and we tirelessly post not for money but the drive to be famous and great . We are zuckers?

It is better to go back at Google who is friendlier although less visible.   (But searchable) 

How to Unpublished Facebook Page 2019/Facebook Page Unpublished ...

What came from nothing can end up in nothing

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Quotes about Honor Mother (24 quotes)

Happy fathers day today.

 It is a day of honoring our fathers or progenitors, and this is enshrined in the  ten commandments to Honor thy father and mother.

We are also made aware that we have to be grateful for our blessings (moreso if they came from our parents/father).  There could be no happiness if there is no gratitude.

I can be proud of having 3 progeny, 2 daughters (now both adults and professionals) and a group of companies for the  family.  I started the business with the goal of making the  family well known in the community and not to suffer poverty.

However as is often the case in family business, the  brothers and sister took steps to take over the  family business and drive me away from the companies I started.  (I hope they can show proofs that it otherwise)   And in a form of revisionism, they totally removed my name from the annals of the family business and I happened to look at a post in a inner  sanctum of the office. That my picture is not there and probably the role that I played in the business has been erased.

I wish them, for being fools, to be successful in their endeavor and way of thinking.

But all that started from nothing and knowing nothing will end up in nothing

Count your blessings – Resonance of Life

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Why the hurry for school opening ? Is our educational system prepared for remote method of teaching

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Rizal Philippines
June 2020

In the midst of pandemic, a conflict emerges.  The President wants the children to stay at home and wait it out until such time that there is a vaccine and/or pandemic has died down (at 7 million infections and 400,000 dead?)

There is an option of on line learning.

Like the health system which covid19 has audited to be inadequate to meet the challenges of pandemic (even the reporting alone) the  educational system has shown its weakness which need tobe addressed)

Let us take  one line teaching.   I have experienced as an educator and even practiced on line teaching using social media  If there is no online experience and structure (to which even college students object) then let us wait for one year.   What are the deficiences:

     1.  Lack of tablets and or devices by the student;

    2.   Still deficient internet connectivity

    3.  What about content and training of teachers.

Do we have enough time to develop all of these for the August 24 opening.  With due respect to the abilities of our education leaders. 

Consider also the customers;  most would not have the PHP to buy the devices, let even enroll.  7 million would be jobless And those who we  think who can afford:  seafarers and OFW.  In the US it was reported that 50% of those who would be in college, would dare not take their first year course via Zoom.

So if we are not ready, let us obey the President. 

Schools would of course want to continue operating in business and those who would lose jobs, would surely push that the school year  open.   

Let us think.

In Korea and Japan, the fist institution to close in case of resurgence are schools

Discoveries that can help us remove anxieties and old practices in dealing with the pandemic

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Rizal Philippines
June 13, 2020

We just learned of the death of a PNP doctor after inhaling misting of disinfectant in a misting tent
 after work.  NO less than DOH disapproved of such practices

Others that are being circulated:

     1.  When one goes home, he should take off his shoes and clothes lest he brings home virus
           to his home

     2.  One should take a bath;

     3.  Temperature scanning at checkpoints and check points

     4.  Blockades and barriers among barangays and between municipalities

  And yet liquor ban was lifted and barik, tagay were allowed. In total disregard of science with respect to the covid 19 spread.

Some clarifications and new knowledge:

1.  Covid 19 is spread via person to person, and via droplet infection (Fluggean theory) and in conditions where: (there are 3cs)

     1.  Crowd
     2.  Closed spaces
     3.  Personal contact

     thus schools, malls, religious masses, gymns are dangerous places where you can get the infection

 and via droplets.  If people meet and dont talk and meet briefly, there could be no transfer of infection.  We have seen this in queues at marketplace that happen daily

2.  And is spread when droplets  are emitted from person via coughing, sneezing,  (for symptomatic patients) and even via passive non symptomatic activities like talking, shouting, singing.

There are two types of droplets.:   (Fluggean droplets)

     1.  The big droplets -  drops about a meter away from the person who emitted
     2.  The microdroplets -  about 1 to 10 microns and joins others in  puff that floats about 4 to 5 hours and about 8 meters away from the  origin. How it infects others depend in the minimum infection dose and the longer people stay together

    Thus superspreader events took place in festivities, church and other religious gatherings, choir
practice.  And specially in parties that are fuelled by alchohol.  In this respect  the liquor ban was
cognizant of science but its lifting was ill timed.      The tagay especially if done in the house is a ripe place for spread:  sharing glasses, laughing, talking, and long personal contact.

    A returning seaman nearby who was positive infected 19 others in a mountain village.  He invited his neighbors in a drinking session.  He died of covid19

   The fomite theory (seen in movie Contagion) has been disproven because employees of courier  companies dont get infected but cashiers in supermarket are infected

3.  That a vaccine will be available soon gives us false hope;  coronavirus can be termed endemic

   1.  Since 1918 there was never a vaccine developed.  Flu comes and go anytime

   2.  The corona virus keeps on mutating on a monthly basis.  To develop an antidote would be difficult for the virologists and vaccine

  3.  It takes a  lot of time for clinical testing:   with animals, limited human testing, full scale human testing for tests of efficacy and safety  (See what happened to Dengvaxia vs dengue)

One of the best bets we have is to develop our immunity by:

    1.  Having plenty of rest and sleep

    2.  Taking supplements:    NaC, Vit C and D (soaking in sunshine)

    3.  Hot showers.

And of course, wearing face masks, avoiding 3c and prayers. 

Comment - Covid 19 an avenue for flexing power and political adroitness?

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Rizal Philippines
June 13, 2020

This post sees coVid19 as an opportunity for politicians to consolidate their power, organization, and distribute rewards early on before the 2022 elections

1.  The barangays though ill prepared to handle complex aid distribution were given vast amounts of power, and of course they are now beholden to one man/organization.

2.  The military were delegated vast powers to arrest and even shoot troublemakers.  And in the end there were deaths;   needless deaths and plenty of imprisonment.

All of a sudden, the common citizen feels subdued and incarcerated for the sake of public health issues. But one sees double standards:   for social massing as in the case of Police General, and in riding in tandem for couples:    military shamelessly ride in tandem, while it is prohibited for the majority. 

3.  The SAP largesse was a form of political campaign taken out of public funds running into billions, and now the govt is engaged in double talk because it finds out it could not fund the billions that it promised to the people.  But were authorized under the BAHO law

4.  During the pandemic many agenda were pushed that are not relevant to the  coVid19 and which do  not recognize the difficulties of the people during the pandemic:

      1.  Registration of the bicycles (just because  many are using this)
      2.  Taxing on line sellers (those who are just being entrepreneurial due to the  difficulty in finding
However one sees a mature politician and technicians making sure that the opponents of the state and his are made aware of the vast political powers and authority that he has and are warnings to those who will cross his path.  Be it the media, leftist legal fronts.