
Friday, April 15, 2022

What happens to the political followers after election?

It is more fun criticizing

Of course, to the winner belong the spoils.  Losers suffer and have loss of face.   But by far and large, only the winners and their inner circles can reap the spoils of victories.   Influence, power, authority and most especially choice and plum positions.  Even cabinet positions, to those who worked hard,

For the rest, its simply another day, even for the victors.  It is the sad experience of this post the wife of gubernatorial candidate found the road to our house to campaign for her husband, to distribute leaflets post
tarpaulin.   After the husband won (this post could have delivered 2,000 votes at least in the subdivisions built that is was then heavily populated all ready)......

Nothing changes in election.  The promised change never take place.  Only names and  people on top change.  But the bureaucrats whose practice remain corrupt the civil servants who are inefficient (and protected by civil service laws) remain.    The new administration would have to bring the deadwood and the bad asses to court just to get rid of them.  

The corrupt syndicate in offices and departments continue their corrupt practices, the financiers of election get back their investments c/o of their investee officials.  

For people in the government it is business as usual.  

Earlier as an activitst in my student days, the thinkers propose a violent revolution if we are to change the system.   Social injustice, inequality, oppression continues even if we place the best leaders.   

So rather than waste our resources and energy on election, let us devote our time and energy to make ourselves better;  our communities to be better.