Philippines December 30, 2013
From Philstar
From Inquirer - Jose Rizal joins list of Nick Joaquin's dubious heroes
From Philstar - Why Co became Mercado became Rizal
His father's surname is Mercado. Why is he being called Dr. Jose Rizal?
"His father Francisco Engracio/ Mercado then married to Teodora Alonso) opted to use the Spanish surname Ricial (meaning greenfields) after a Gov Claveria decreed that Chinese immigrants and mestizo adopt a Spanish surname. Due confusion, they adopted Rizal Mercado as his surnname. Jose dropped Mercado when his brother Paciano was placed under surveillance due to his link with martyred priest Gumborza)
Today is the 117th death anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal, whom our country venerate as our national hero. But no Philippine law has established that fact. Not even with an executive order.
Dr. Jose Rizal, who was executed on December 30, 1896 by Spaniards at Luneta for allegedly inciting the Filipinos has been long remembered as our national hero. But no such law or proclamation declaring such has been passed.
Only five Philippine icons have been declared officially as "national"