
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Good things, benefits, we, the world got from China

It is more fun criticizing

Despite the negatives being mentioned by the world vs China, we should be grateful for many things:

     1.  Its advances in space technology;  it has landed on the moon.  Did it contribute to ISS?
     2,  For being the world's manufacturing center -  low cost manufacturing
     3.  Advances in AI, in particular health care
     4.  Cheap household goods to the world;
     5.  Competition that has enabled every one to excel.
     6,  Massive contribution to world GDP

We owe them for their contribution to civilization like the gunpowder and many more.   We also learned a lot about their unrestricted warfare.  And how to deal with their strategies

Not just China bashing but balance this with China praising,