
Friday, June 14, 2024

Changing strengths vulnerabilties of war weapons

It is more fun criticizing

The published and actual performances of weapons varies.  It may have to do with climate, the users, and other battle conditions

1. Drones

    1.  The Turkish drones exhibited superior performance in Ukraine war.  However, lately, no niews
          have been heard.
    2.  The Chinese drones are superior in number and cheaper than US drones

2.  Unmanned sea and air vehicles

     1.  More survivability;   less political backlash, less problem in recruitment and training.  The US seemed to be ahead in this

3.  Tanks

     1,Merveka tanks of Israel can easily be destroyed by Iranian tanks

     2. Abrams and Bradley tanks -  easy prey to Russian drones and their cheap missile.  The Ukrainians
         put another layer of wire mesh protection vs anti tank projectiles.   But now the very expensive 
         war machines are not sol invincicble after all

4.  Air defense system

     With an excellent air defense system, the jet fighters, even the stealth ones become obsolete
      However good helicopters with their missile system can defeat from a distance a $400 million
      air defense system

5.  Missile system

     As was seen in Israel example, sheer volume of missiles launched, even cruide and cheap ones
     can confuse even multiple air defense system.  Even in Iran missile attack to Israel, the defense vs
    $500 million missiles launched vs Israel. cost a staggering  $1.5 billion in a matter of hours from
    combined naval, air, and land defense system from two powerful countries.  Not cost effective eh

Some lessens:

1.  It is not technological  superiority, it it is sheer volume. The less superior American tanks (but more in number won the tank battless in Europe in WWII M4 Sherman tanks.    Will power and strategy
2.  Survivability, being unmanned is now the name of the game
3.  Aircraft carriers, jet plane and weapons are not preferred anymore.  Missiles and defense system
    therofre, the search for superiority shall be in this area