
Monday, June 3, 2024

In the 11th century, the ancient Visayans were terrorizing southern China - lest we forget

It is more fun criticizing

Filipinos should remember that a group of them, the Visayans, were feared by the Chinese.   These were the same group of people that killed the Spaniards when they landed in the 16th century - when they discovered the Philippines.  They rode in ships called Balangays, were heavily tattooed, ,and carried knives, and other bladed weapons

They invaded China for precious metals and to get slaves (early cases of trafficking)

People of Panay and Cebu rise up and relive history!.   So that prospective invaders shall fear and stop.

Now, many folks have forgotten about this and cowing before the mighty military power of a neighboring Asian countries.   The Filipinos and those folks must remember that: