
Monday, June 3, 2024

But the majority of _________are law abiding, God fearing (as excuse) for a group of terrorists and imperialists

It is more fun criticizing

This sort of argument is always forwarded for terrorist groups:   Nazi, jihadist, Hamas, Japanese etc.   Only 10%-20% were bad apples, and the majority of the people are good.  They will not hurt a fly.

Only 19 people executed the 9/11 murder in USA, but what did the rest of 1.2 Billion brethren do?

They just let the minority did their heinous crimes, and did nothing.  

So right now, we are dealing with many good businessmen Chinese.    Many of them are needed because the majority of them are entrepreneurs, and hence many of them are millionaires and billionaires because they have good business sense, are frugal and hard working.  

I have Chinese business partners.  They have been very kind and understanding.  They give us gifts during Christmas, Chinese New Year and remember our birthdays.  

And yet we see as small minority and we are offended by their actions who take silly action in WPS that harm us for a little bit of territory for the sake of military and political glory.  Only the heads of CCP and 
Xi want glory for imperialism, the Silk and Road initiative (which turned to be a great failure)  The China first (which all leaders use as mantra) is only wanted by a few in a leadership.

Time and time again, we have seen how conquest fail because of the huge expenses and administrative energy needed to maintain the empire/colony

We hope this time the rest of 80-90% of the population of neighboring country see the light and realize that it is better to be at peace and prosperous.