
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Unrestricted warfare - a new benign slow paced war to be waged in modern era

It is more fun criticizing

We must be aware of how modern war is being waged by enemies  (no one is a friend) towards us and/or Western Countries.  This book was written by PLA officers:   Xiao Liang, and Wang Xiangsui

Ordinarily we think of war as being waged at a battle front with soldiers, tanks, guns artillery. This is not so.  War is to be waged both militarily and elsewhere:   economics, supply lines, commerce, internet, biological  information.   The adversary must not be even aware that a war is being waged, and before he knows this.  The author says that this being waged by China vs Western powers.

We see this happening:

    1.  Hacking internet
    2.  Control of manufacturing
    3. Covid:   vaccines, and supplies
    4.  Currency attacks - dedollarization
    5.  Espionage of industrial secrets
    6.  Recruitment of US servicemen to train its crews

In a war, everyone loses:    cities, buildings, reparations, lives.  In unrestricted warfare, no dead bodies litter the streets.  Only victors