
Monday, June 3, 2024

Manpower strength of AFP.

It is more fun criticizing

According to some videos, the PHL Armed Forces is 200,000 strong.  That is 1/10th of the force of the neighboring military giant.   -  100,000 regular force, and 100,000 reservist.   Am a PAF reservist with a rank of Technical Sergeant.  We were mobilized 3 decades ago during the Pinatubo time.  We did a 30 day training,  Reception, military meal, firing M16, 4 o clock jogging, FTX, sleeping outdoor in the rain, bivouac,    

Manning VAB ROC, doing relief work at Pinatubo.  Live firing FTX, 3 days 3 nights escape and evasion at Sacobia river.   I preferred to be an EP -  to work with fellow soldiers.

I would be willing to serve in the reserve force, if need be.  I hope not.

Willing to serve for the country.

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