Philippines | September 30, 2014
The Human Factor
Human Factor at Amazon online
How do you deal with ever increasing number of terrorists and terrorism organization? Negotiate, pay the ransom, be a victim? Be cowed?
It is good that Pres Obama and the coalition are taking a much bolder and braver stand vs the terror threat. They must be given a dose of their medicine. Terror. Terror begets terror. If they murder children and women who are not related to the issue, the same hand must be dealt to their women and children.
The Old Testament was right after all: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The Israelites employed this strategy vs Hamas (whom they compare to be the same as ISIS) Terror vs their children and other civilians escalate and begets more terror.
However, many of us would still like to think of the Geneva convention, the just war. But there is no war only terrorism. And I suppose the rules that govern are different.
We are reminded of an earlier movie, the Human Factor which starred George Kennedy. His family was brutally murdered by hooded terrorists. Johh Kinsdale ( George Kennedy) gets even by fighting the terrorists on their own terms. (It should have been called the Terrorist Killing Factor)
Human Factor the movie